Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Confessions Of A Neat Freak!

Oh! I Missed A Spot!

For most people they hate to do any kind of cleaning.. for me I enjoy it!  I like the smell of bleach and Lysol Cleaners. Weird I know. Whenever I feel the urge to make things spotless, I go into what my husband calls "Cleaning mode" I zoom around the house like the mouse, speedy gonzales "Yep-A, Yep-A!" From one room to the next, picking up laundry, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping,mopping, wiping down counter tops, picking up anything and straightening up everything!

For a little while I let things, like laundry pile up but, that's so I have enough to wash some loads with. I can't stand messes, and with 3 kids under the age of 6 it's sometimes very difficult. I make it work anyways. 

I want things neat and tidy and can't deal with unorganized areas, dirt, trash, smells etc..

It's not that big of a deal to keep a clean home and here's why:
1. Keeps things less stressful
2. Creates a Happy Vibe!
3. Smells awesome.. also plug in a "scentsy smell"
4. You can find things when you need them
5. Room to walk/move around
6. Dance in your socks with your kids!
7. Slide up and down the hallway in your socks.
8. Sit and Relax in all the cleanliness, after all..

 Happy Cleaning! (Haha, jk)

Friday, November 22, 2013

National Hand Washing Awareness Week: December 1-7

According to the Centers for Disease Control, "the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands." Judicious hand washing can prevent not only common diseases like colds, but also more serious diseases like hepatitis A, meningitis, and infectious diarrhea.

6 Main Rules of Hand Washing 

  • Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, changing diapers, cleaning up after your pets, or handling money.
  • Wash your hands when they’re dirty.
  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Don’t cough or sneeze into your hands.
  • Refrain from putting your fingers in your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Avoid touching people and surfaces with unclean hands.

Correct way of washing hands
  1. Wet hands with warm water (not hot) and use soap.
  2. Rub your hands together, making sure to scrub all areas.
  3. Rub for a minimum of 15 seconds or sing “Happy Birthday.”
  4. Rinse thoroughly, then dry hands on a clean towel.
  5. Turn faucet off with the towel, not hands, to keep away from recontamination.

  • 2/3 of adults in the US wash hands after using the bathroom.
  • 1 in 4 adults don’t wash hands after changing diapers.
  • Less than 1/2 of Americans wash hands after cleaning up after pets.
  • 1 in 3 people wash hands after sneezing/coughing.
  • Less than 1 in 5 people wash hands after touching money.
  • 1 in 3 E.Coli occurrences is caused from not washing hands before handling food.
By frequently washing your hands, you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people, or from contaminated surfaces, or from animals and animal waste. The simple act of consistently performing this basic task properly will make a big difference in your own household as well as in work, school and public settings.